
Ancient Rome, Questions And Answers

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Name some Ancient Civilizations! Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome, Greece
Who was the last king of Rome? Tarquinius Superbus
How many Consuls were there in the Roman Empire? 2 Consuls
Who was elected at the of war? Dictator
How are the wars between Rome and Carthage called? Punic
Who was Hannibal? strategist from Carthage
Who had the right to vote? free men
Name some city states! Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Argos
Name some ancient Greece wars! Spartan, Peloponnesian, Persian
What were the tribes attacking Roman empire? Germanic Tribes - Visigoths
What were the causes of the decline of roman empire
What’s the year of the fall of Roman Empire? 476
Where was Mesopotamia located? Between rivers Tigris and Euphrates
How was the medieval society structured?

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