
Anders Breivik Essay

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Anders Behring Breivik Anders Behring Breivik, born in Oslo, Norway on February 13th, 1979, came from a broken home. His father, Jens Breivik, worked as a diplomat for the Royal Norwegian Embassy, and his mother, Wenche Behrin, worked as a nurse. The Breivik family lived in London together until his parents divorced in 1980. Anders was only year old at the time. Anders lived with his mother and half-sister on the west side of Oslo and frequently went to visit his father and his new stepmother in France. Jens and Wenche went through an ordeal of custody battles where he and his new wife fought to take him from his mother to raise him in Paris. They were never successful, and Anders was raised almost entirely by his mom. He grew up …show more content…

He took online courses in small business management in his later teens and early twenties, and it reported to have taken the non-formal equivalent to about seven years at university level. He has had a couple of attempts at creating home businesses, one of which was a farming company under the name “Breivik Geofarm” to cultivate vegatables, melons, and other produce. It was though this self-made company he was able to obtain large amounts of artificial fertilizers and other chemicals for the manufacturing of explosives.
Day of Attack On July 22nd at about 2:30pm, the centre of Oslo is rocked by an explosion near the government’s headquarters and panic is throughout the city. Those around the scene and who live near the area are told to evacuate. Breivik had placed a bomb in a Volkswagen Crafter near the office of Prim Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who was not in the office at the time. Breivik was later seen on surveillance cameras walking away from the parked car with a gun. The shock waves blew out all the windows on the building as well on surrounding buildings. The surrounding area was taped off and police began conducting searches in cars that were headed to the Oslo airport. As word spread about the bombing, Breivik changed his clothes into a police uniform he bought online and took a taxi to board a ferry to the island of Utoya, which was about 25 miles northwest of Oslo. On the island the annual Norwegian Labour Party’s summer camp was taking place,

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