Anders Behring Breivik Anders Behring Breivik, born in Oslo, Norway on February 13th, 1979, came from a broken home. His father, Jens Breivik, worked as a diplomat for the Royal Norwegian Embassy, and his mother, Wenche Behrin, worked as a nurse. The Breivik family lived in London together until his parents divorced in 1980. Anders was only year old at the time. Anders lived with his mother and half-sister on the west side of Oslo and frequently went to visit his father and his new stepmother in France. Jens and Wenche went through an ordeal of custody battles where he and his new wife fought to take him from his mother to raise him in Paris. They were never successful, and Anders was raised almost entirely by his mom. He grew up …show more content…
He took online courses in small business management in his later teens and early twenties, and it reported to have taken the non-formal equivalent to about seven years at university level. He has had a couple of attempts at creating home businesses, one of which was a farming company under the name “Breivik Geofarm” to cultivate vegatables, melons, and other produce. It was though this self-made company he was able to obtain large amounts of artificial fertilizers and other chemicals for the manufacturing of explosives.
Day of Attack On July 22nd at about 2:30pm, the centre of Oslo is rocked by an explosion near the government’s headquarters and panic is throughout the city. Those around the scene and who live near the area are told to evacuate. Breivik had placed a bomb in a Volkswagen Crafter near the office of Prim Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who was not in the office at the time. Breivik was later seen on surveillance cameras walking away from the parked car with a gun. The shock waves blew out all the windows on the building as well on surrounding buildings. The surrounding area was taped off and police began conducting searches in cars that were headed to the Oslo airport. As word spread about the bombing, Breivik changed his clothes into a police uniform he bought online and took a taxi to board a ferry to the island of Utoya, which was about 25 miles northwest of Oslo. On the island the annual Norwegian Labour Party’s summer camp was taking place,
Theodore John Kaczynski, Ted Kaczynski, was a man who kept to himself in his home in a cabin in the wilderness. Kaczynski became anti-government and anti-technology while living in his cabin. Kaczynski’s first attack was in 1978 and was directed towards a Professor at University of Chicago using the return address from Northwestern University, but the mail bomb was opened by a campus security officer, who was mildly injured. The next year, 1979, Ted Kaczynski had started to target American Airlines as well. Ted Kaczynski hasn’t killed anybody up until December 1985, a computer shop owner was killed from a bomb outside of his shop. On every mail bomb, Kaczynski signed as FC. Over the course of seventeen years, Kaczynski has injured twenty-three
The article written by Sarah Maslin Nir and William K. Rashbaum in the New York Times, talks about a bomber who tried to detonate a bomb in one of Manhattan’s busiest subways. The bomb did go off but not fully and Akayed Ullah, 27, who was identified by a policeman, was the only was who was badly injured.
The Oklahoma City Bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in April 19, 1995. It was lead by Timothy McVeigh, an Army veteran of the Persian Gulf War. The explosive was a homemade bomb which was built by McVeigh and the help of Terry Nichols; the bomb consisted of a deadly cocktail and was put inside a rented Ryder truck in front of the Murrah Federal Building . McVeigh then proceeded out of the truck and headed towards his getaway car a few blocks away. He then started the detonation of the timed bomb at exactly 9:02 A.M. then the bomb exploded. To the people of Oklahoma it was a traumatizing moment for all, many lost families, dozens of cars were incinerated and more
Within seconds of the clock striking 2:49 p.m, a bomb goes off in front of Marathon Sports store near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing one and wounding a number of others, both runners and spectators. Less than a minute later, another bomb lets off in front of the Forum restaurant, killing two more and injuring many more(CNN). As chaos began to erupt, Boston PD sprang into action immediately. Despite their efforts, the bomber who was at the time unknown, had already escaped the scene. Within minutes of the explosion, the event is now being acknowledged at the national level, suspected of being the first act of foreign terrorism since the 9/11 attacks on the Twin
Among a mountain of videos and photos taken in the blast area police were quick to narrow down the suspect list to two “high interest” suspects. The force detailed with coming up with the suspects list was over 1000 strong.
In recent news, there has been a string of attacks all over the world; each attack has been related to terrorism. A passenger boarded a train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris, armed with a box cutter, a pistol and an AK-47 with intent to harm innocent people. Four passengers on the train quickly subdued the terrorist before anyone could be harmed. In November, Paris, France was struck with terror when three armed men set off a string of attacks throughout the city, to include a bomb and active shootings. This attack left nearly 127 people killed and wounded. Most recently, in San Bernadino, California a man and woman left from a holiday party and returned with assault rifles. The officials attributed their act to terrorism, where the
This event happened on April 15, 2013 in Boston Massachusetts. Two brothers by the names of Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev decided to place two pressure cooker bombs amidst the crowd of marathon runners. Only two seconds apart, the two bombs went off along the finish line on Boylston Street. Leading up to the event there was the conflict in the middle east, which is where both the brothers were born, and they wanted a way to get back at the United States. There was no anticipation to this event because there hadn’t been any sort of threat or previous attack on this
One cannot listen to the news or commentaries without hearing a controversial story that will cause you to pause and emit an "ahem sigh". In view of the recent tragedies around the world that affect America and Americans, one might reach a point of bewilderment and become reluctant to watch or listen to the news, however; if you are enrolled in a political science class, it is necessary to involve yourself in current events. The questionable killing of an American citizen was a forerunner event that caused discussion and debate. His name was Anwar-al-Awlaki who was killed in Yemen.
The categories used to describe the words of the Unabomber Manifesto gave us a greater understanding of the context with which we were studying. We decided that grouping the words into concepts of positivity, negativity, power or any other category based on the words we believed would assist in organizing it. We aimed to interpret if there was a deeper meaning to such words as we all chose them for a reason. To illustrate, when we saw words related to technology such as cameras and computers, we noticed that both collect information and process it. Giving extensive thought to these words gave them depth and whenever we saw these words again, we remembered what we associated them with originally. In terms of giving words meaning and association,
In the chilling novel, Columbine, all evidence and actions were described and written by the author; Dave Cullen. Cullen, as shown in his writing, has exponential fascination on the ideas and the important details before, during, and after the attack. From beginning to end, Cullen spoke in a compassionate and professional tone to emphasize the facts and thoughts he had on this horrific attack. But, throughout the book, Cullen speaks in two different tones and attitudes regarding two types of people. The victims or the killers. When discussing the victims, he speaks with sympathy and empathy to show that he truly feels for the victims and their family. Yet when discussing the monstrous murderers, Eric Harris and Dylan Kelbold, he speaks
"Mr. Scott, Ms. Maddox? Here's your baby boy!" These were the first words that Kathleen Maddox heard when she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, to whom she would later give her maiden name. Charles Milles Manson, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on November 11, 1934 (FAQ's 1), seemed to be a normal child, when, in fact, he was trouble from the start. The two had not planned to have a child, and certainly did not expect him to end up being the most notorious killer of the 20th century. In the summer of 1969, Manson made the residents of California afraid to leave their homes (Fillmer 2). Charlie Manson committed grotesque crimes, controlled his trials, and now resides in the California State Prison (FAQ's 1).
On the clear day of the 11th of September 2001, Americans and citizens from other nations suffered a trauma that will be remembered for generations to come (Halliday 5). On September 11th al Qaeda terrorist under the command of Osama bin Laden hijacked two American Airline (AA) flights and two United Airline (UA) flights that would never again land. All of the planes that day would not go down without a fight. Although there were many heroic people that day, 9/11 ended as the worst terrorist attack in American history because of 19 men hijacking four planes that lead to 2,996 people dead (Statistic Brain).
Jared Loughner committed a horrendous crime on January 8th, 2011. He killed six people, and injured fifteen others. His target was congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. This event has left everyone devastated, and confused. There are many questions, for instance: Why did he wish to commit this act? Will understanding his reasons certify that this will not happen in the future? Does he have a disorder?
As soon as Ilana Romana heard about the situation in Munich, she expected the worst: "I knew who he was. He would not sit quietly. He was not the type. I knew it would end badly." She spoke of her husband, and, unfortunately, her prediction was correct. Earlier that day, her husband, Yossef, and his teammates were awoken by Arab terrorists beginning an episode that would result in the death of eleven Israeli athletes and forever scar the 1972 Olympics, leaving the games to be remembered for the years to come as the "Munich Massacre."
Ever since the beginning of the terrorist attacks on American soil, the War on Terror has been involved in the lives of Americans and nations near us. The War on Terror’s background originated through conflicts between warring countries in the Middle East; U.S. involvement started when a terrorist guided plane crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York City. The attack was suspected to be the work of the middle-eastern terrorist group Al-Qaeda. The U.S. military, under the leadership of then commander-in-chief George W. Bush, declared a “War on Terror” on the terrorist group and the fighting began.