
Andrew Jackson: America's Most Controversial President

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson: one of the most controversial Presidents of our country's history. To some, he was a hero of the common man, to others, he was a power hungry dictator. In the years before Jackson's presidency, the country felt exceedingly nationalistic. The Federalist party was thriving. America had stood up to the British in the War of 1812 and James Monroe had issued the Monroe Doctrine, advising all countries in the Eastern Hemisphere to leave the rebelling South American Countries alone. However, when Andrew Jackson became President, power shifted from the legislative and judicial branch to the executive branch and from the federal government to the states governments.

During Jackson's Presidency, the …show more content…

He was born in South Carolina, the son of Irish immigrants, and became an orphan by the age of fourteen. While serving in the Revolutionary War, he was caught by British soldiers and struck with a sword by an officer, leaving a scar that would last a lifetime. Almost forty years later when running for President, Jackson emphasized putting the ideals of the average American person (like himself) first. Consequently, when the charter for the Bank of the United States (BUS), had to be renewed, Jackson was not eager to proceed. The charter allowed the bank to stay in business. Jackson believed that the bank only loaned money to the wealthy therefore neglecting poorer farmers. Congress passed the law for the charter and Jackson vetoed it, meaning he rejected the law and did not want to enforce it. Jackson claimed that he vetoed the law because it was "unconstitutional". In a workbook chapter titled, "The Age of Jackson", an excerpt states, "President Jackson disliked the bank...He felt that the bank's policies favored the wealthy people and hurt the average person...He vetoed Congresses renewal of the bank charter...He said the

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