Andrew Jackson was definitely not your average, normal president. He was very informal and dressed as a common man. The question really is “Was Andrew Jackson a good enough president to be on our 20 dollar bill?”. My answer to this question is yes. Andrew Jackson was for the common man and very democratic. Most people were inspired by his ability to lead others. He also created the Spoils System which is one of the ways that he rewarded his supporters. The Spoils System is an arrangement that employed and promoted government officials who were friends and supporters of the political group in power. This helped the common man and lower class men become employed and benefit their lives. Some people did not like the idea of having uneducated
Unlike previous presidents, Andrew Jackson represented the common men. He and his followers did not support the aristocrats, but instead favored the interests of farmers and urban workers. When they gained power, the Jacksonian Democrats brought about great advances in creating a more democratic and economically equal society.
There are many who are against Andrew Jackson because he is a hypocrite. An example of this is how Jackson states he is against slavery but still owned slaves. One has to understand that America was founded on hypocrisy. Essentially what Jackson is trying to do is to make compromises on situations so he can support both sides of an argument to represent as many people as possible.
Many lower to middle class men voted for Jackson in the hopes of him extending democracy and fighting for the average man. He was the first president to ride on a train, almost get assassinated, and also to serve in both the revolutionary war and the war of 1812. His presidency included the creation of the Whig party following the demise of the federalists and also the ending of the charter of the first national bank. During the Jackson administration from 1829 to 1837, democracy extended primarily due to work on shrinking the wage gap. Meanwhile, democracy seemed to take steps backwards due to Jackson’s interactions with Native Americans.
Jackson also gave government jobs to regular people. This was called the spoils system. He appointed people to federal jobs depending on whether they had campaigned for the Democratic Party. Anyone currently in office who was not a democratic was replaced with a democrat. This was called the spoils system because it promoted a corrupt government. He also believed in rotation in office. He wanted to make it possible for more democrats to have government jobs, so he limited a person's time in office to one term. The spoils system showed how one man was no better than another and helped build a strong two-party system.
From poverty to presidency, Andrew Jackson became one of the most controversial figures of early American politics. Jackson was born on March 15th, 1767 to two poor Irish immigrants. He rose to fame at the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. Then, he became a rising politician, despite having no formal schooling. He was an Indian fighter who adopted two Native American boys, but also a champion of the people. He was a notorious gambler, but also a celebrated war hero. Was Andrew Jackson a democrat who pursued political and social equality, or was he a tyrant who used his power unjustly? Jackson was a democratic supporter of the people because he was a supporter of the common man, he cared about complying with the Constitution, and he did what he thought the people would agree with.
Andrew Jackson appealed to the common man as being a military hero, frontiersman, and a populist. Though Jackson challenged the political, social and economic upper class. Jackson and the democrats reinforced this image because they fought for white individual liberty, equality of economic opportunity, political democracy and he went with his better judgement despite the supreme court's decision.
According to his enemies, Andrew Jackson behaved more like a dictator/king than a democratic president. Jackson and his followers became the basis of the Democratic-Republican party, later known as the Democratic party. He believed in the spoils system, supported the common man, and equality for all people regardless of their social class. Although he had such positive features, he had some negatives as well. Jackson removed Native Americans from their homeland by signing the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which created the “Trail of Tears,” vetoed the National Bank (B.U.S), and was pro-slavery. Although a common man himself, Jackson became successful as president. This was one of his biggest motives to support the common man, rather than the
Many have different perspectives on if Andrew Jackson changed politics for the common man, or if it just happened to be a simple trend meant for greater voter participation. Although we may have different ideas I would have to say Andrew Jackson was like most presidents who had their own conflicts. He was just a president who kept somewhat of the same trend just did a couple different tricks.
Although Andrew Jackson fought to represent the common man he was not a democratic president towards Native Americans as he forced them to perform unbearable acts, Jackson also put the rich and poor communities against each other. Jackson rose to power by expressing his thoughts on representing the middle class. During this election time the US was in debt and by representing the common man Jackson was able to form a group of supporters. People in America were looking for someone to look up to and trust, Jackson portrayed himself as the perfect candidate.
It is clear from the documents that Andrew Jackson acted like a king. One reason that Andrew Jackson acted like a king was because he owned a lot of slaves. Document 7 shows that he owned a lot of slaves. In between the years 1794 and 1830 he owned slaves. But his numbers were the biggest in between 1829 and 1837. But he was the President in 1829. That shows he got more slaves when he was president. That means when he should have been doing stuff for our country he was getting more slaves to do work for him. Mr. Moore taught us Andrew Jackson owned over 300 slaves. That shows he acted like a king because he had people to work for him. He did not need slaves, he should have been focused on what was going on in our country and try to help it.
Andrew Jackson first got elected as the president of the United States in 1828, and this signaled a shift in the social and political powers of the government. During his presidency, he regarded himself as a representative of “the people” and his goal was to elevate the “laboring classes” of white men and regulate equal rights and laws. This was a change for Americans because before Jackson, the U.S. government was mainly made up of elitists; those who were the wealthy citizens of the nation. The years 1828-1836, the viewpoints of Andrew Jackson were focused on how he could be a democratic ruler rather than focusing on what would be best for the nation as a whole during his time.
Andrew Jackson, the United States 7th president, was so popular that he was still getting votes for the presidential election 15 years after he died! Andrew Jackson grew up as a poor child losing his father before he was born. At 13 year old he lost his mother. Jackson was known as a rambunctious teenager, getting into fights and pulling pranks. At age 17, Jackson grew up a bit starting his study of the law. Much later at age 21, Jackson was named Tennessee’s first representative in the U.S. House of Representatives and a year later was elected to the U.S. Senate. Andrew Jackson early political career was not the reason for his popularity. After the Battle of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson became a war hero.
Have you ever thought about what if one of the most influential presidents of the United States was taken off of currency because of controversial topics? This is the dilemma facing the government as they choose to take Andrew Jackson off of the $20 bill. Though Jackson was revolutionary in politics and ideas, that’s not necessarily a good thing. Andrew Jackson became president in the election of 1828. Jackson started the spoils system and he relied on the help of trusted friends rather than the presidential cabinet. He started the mass removal of Native Americans and despised the banking system. Andrew Jackson should not stay on the $20 bill because though he did a lot of good, his bad outweighs it. Andrew Jackson handled the “Nullification
Whether or not Andrew Jackson was a Democratic President or not has been the topic of argument for many years. During the years 1820-1840, most people did not have the right to vote. The power was in the hands of the wealthy, not the common man. White male landowners were powerful because of their political rights and participation in government. Andrew Jackson lost the presidential election of 1824. He grew up a poor common man and was a hero in war. Andrew Jackson was a Democratic president because he put the power in the hands of the common man, however he selfishly used government power and abused minorities in the past.
Andrew Jackson, whose presidential term lasted from 1829-1837, was the first president to ever be chosen by the people to lead. Because he was not born into a rich family, people felt that they could relate to him better. He too preferred supporting the common public over the wealthy aristocrats. During Jackson’s period in office he was able to shift the majority of power in the United States to farmers and small businesses in the western part of the country. Jackson vetoed many bills in order to benefit common people and also created the spoils system to balance out his cabinet. Like Jefferson, Jackson was extremely opposed to the Bank of the U.S., believing that it would only make the wealthy even