
Andrew Jackson Role Model Essay

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United states, and did some of the most memorable things which we frown upon today, such as the Indian Removal Act, along with the trail of tears which is an example of prejudice towards another nation. He also It is true that Jackson did have political experience as being the first member of the house of representatives from Tennessee, but his years of fighting as a soldier and politician did not substantially prepare him for the role as president. Jackson was not trusted due to his political experience or campaign promises, but for his status as a man from past the appalachians. He was a role model for the Americans who did not live in the largely populated areas and easily gained support from western Americans. He represented a new kind of people the United States …show more content…

This created violence in the reservations as many of the indian tribes were commonly at war with one another over territorial disputes. The tribes constantly fought and stole from others in these area, as little was being done to give them proper supplies and acknowledgement. Jackson believed that whites were dominant over Natives, and removed them to past the Mississippi river to continue American expansion. These removal treaties were unjust, as the tribes were basically forced to sign them and move under threat from the American government. This Indian removal act was the fuel behind the Trail of tears, where thousands of Natives were forced to walk hundreds of miles to their Oklahoma reservation when Jackson, without approval from congress, granted the land to southerners in order to grow cotton. Not only did Jackson wreck the dignity of the Natives, he wrecked the secondary banking system by vetoing the law. One of twelve vetoes that Jackson used during his terms, which is more than any other president. As Jackson viewed the

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