
Andrew Williams: The Man Who Changed My Life

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I remember it clearly, summer of 2015, shooting guns, flashbacks, and stories. Shooting lids off bottles, bullets flying, horses neighing engines running - I remember everything. This moment changed my life and how I see the world and the military and how great it is to live in America For the people that has and still protecting our country.

Andrew Williams is leaving a strong legacy of children, brothers, and sisters that can grow and lead happy successful lives.

Andrew Williams, an unbelievable man, was born and raised in Madison, served his country, and great brother and father to all.

I will first discuss Andrew’s early life. Secondly, we’ll take a look at his adult life. Third, we’ll examine his later years. Lastly, we will explore …show more content…

Brothers and sisters that grow and and lead successful happy lives. As someone that could be trusted and dependable and someone that you could rely on that would be there. Someone that left the world a better place. If he could go back in time and change one thing it would be that he spent more time with his grandma when he was on leave. The reason was because she died while he was overseas. If he could tell anybody anything about his father that it would be that he would have done anything for anyone. If he could be remembered in one word it would be … Unbelievable.

In conclusion, that’s the story of Andrew Williams, an unbelievable man, born and raised in Madison, served his country, and great brother and father to all.

I first discussed Andrew’s early life, secondly explored his adult life, then his later years. And, lastly, explored Andrew’s impact on society.

Andrew Williams is going to leave a strong legacy of children that will grow and lead happy successful lives.

Andrew – or Andy, as I so affectionately call him– taught me the impact one unbelievable individual can make. He taught me the importance of freedom, loving family, and how much it means to the world of what he

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