
Animal Abuse Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

II. Campaign Theme or Focus
Statement and description of the issue to be addressed A major problem in today’s society is that animals are being abused globally. It doesn’t matter if the animal is being starved, dehydrated, neglected, beaten, or even straight out slaughtered: it’s all some form of animal abuse. Some animals, specifically dogs, are inbred and sold illegally. It’s these abusive tendencies that this project is focused on to build awareness toward these issues.
All types of animals are victims of abuse including dogs, cats, horses, chickens, cows, deer, goats, rabbits, and many more. The sad fact is that no animal is safe from abuse because there are such people that truly believe that any animal they come across can be used and treated as nothing more than a defective toy for their own disgusting pleasure and enjoyment. …show more content…

Accessed 11 Sept. 2017.

Rationale for selecting the issue This project was specifically chosen because animals are living creatures that don’t deserve such harsh treatments. Animals have emotions just like any other human. If you were to see a child being abused, would you want to do something about it? And if you care about a child, what makes an animal any different? Animals also aren't just considered as pets or mere objects to most of society. Any animal with a home is usually considered a part of that family. It's time to bring awareness to animal abuse so that animals without a loving home can hopefully get one.

“The FBI Now Considers Animal Abuse A Felony.” Sunny Skyz, Accessed 11 Sept. 2017.

Injured animals can't fight back, starving animals can't fight back, dead animals can't fight back, and neglected animals are too depressed to want to fight back. It's time to fight for the animals that can't. It's time to give those animals a second

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