
Animal Cruelty Research Paper

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To Spay or Not to Spay

As a pet owner, we strive to make the best decisions for our furry friends, as we are their only advocates. They depend on us for everything they need to survive. There are so many decisions we must make on their behalf. What kind of food should we feed them? When is it time to see a veterinarian? These are all choices we make to ensure they live healthy and happy lives. One of the most controversial decisions we are faced with is whether or not to spay or neuter our pets. Some people feel that it is an unnecessary surgery, while others see it as a means to an end for pet overpopulation. I personally feel that in order to make the best decision, we need to be sure we have the correct facts. First we will cover the topic of pet overpopulation. It is estimated by The Humane Society of the United States that approximately six to eight million pets are brought in to animal shelters every year. Sadly, more than half of these pets are euthanized due to overpopulation. That means that these pets are being “killed” purely because there isn’t enough room to house them. Animal shelters are packed full of adoptable animals just looking for a place to call home. These animals rely on us humans to save their lives, literally. It is irresponsible to allow your pet …show more content…

It is an animal’s natural instinct to “roam” for a mate while in heat. This can put them at risk of getting hit by an automobile, attacked by another animal and even killed. An animal will not go in to a heat cycle if they are spayed or neutered. Another pesky behavior that can be curbed by neutering is urine-marking. I’m sure we have all see a male dog lift his leg to urinate on every tree in the neighborhood. Sure there’s nothing wrong with that, but what if it was every chair in your house? Then there would be a problem. To a dog, he is just marking his territory, which all goes back to that search for a

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