
Animal Farm Boxer Quotes

Decent Essays

I Shall Work Harder

It is the middle of Summer when Boxer, a horse, and Benjamin, a donkey were freed from their human oppressors on Manor farm, or commonly known as Animal Farm. Napoleon, who is the farm’s “President” is a pig, which all pigs are smarter than the other animals (and Napoleon is the smartest pig out of all the pigs, which makes him the leader). Animal Farm is a book written by George Orwell. Boxer, who has a big role in this book, is the main topic of this essay. Boxer has a big role on this farm because of all his actions. Boxer is a hard worker, and his main motto is “I shall work harder,” (Orwell #29) showing that he is a big helper on the farm. He supports “Comrade Napoleon”, which makes him loyal to Napoleon, and he is overall a great animal to have around a farm because of how hard he works and how his personality is. …show more content…

Boxer always works harder than any other farm animal, which sets the mood for other farm animals because they see that Boxer is working really hard. Almost all the animals like Boxer because of his personality. But, Napoleon seems threatened by Boxer, because if Boxer ever rebelled on Napoleon, Napoleon was sure to lose because of how many animals would follow Boxer. Boxer could also crush one of the guard dogs, but he chose not to, which shows Napoleon that he will kill if

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