
Animal Farm Observation Essay

Decent Essays

OBSERVATIONS While reading Animal Farm by George Orwell, there were quite a few interesting observations I was able to make about the characters, plot, and many other elements of the novel. In the beginning of the novel, I found it very interesting that when the animals were filing into the barn to listen to Old Major, they all seemed to know where to go just as if this was a regular occurrence. I am assuming that this was something that happened quite often, however, it was still surprising given that this is the first instance of sophisticated talking animals that I have ever read. Also, right away when I began the novel, I was able to notice the uniqueness of George Orwell’s writing style. He was able to put so much detail of the scene into the writing without dragging it out or making it sound choppy. This is a quality that very few authors I’ve ever read have been able to demonstrate. Later in the novel, when the pigs first started becoming power hungry, I observed the obvious fact that the animals were not all equal as it was proposed they would be. Even though this is such a simple observation, I feel that it is a very important one because it is the start of one of, if not the, biggest conflicts in the entire novel. This is when Napoleon gets way too crazy and the Animal Farm starts getting very divided on certain issues because he and Snowball cannot seem to agree on anything. Upon completion of the novel, I did notice that this is not really a story of a farm, but an allegorical retelling of the Communist Revolution in Russia. Orwell uses the animals in the novel to represent the various political leaders responsible for the revolution, and the different events in the novel to represent the events following the revolution. WONDERINGS Along with observations, many questions arose while I was reading Animal Farm. I was mostly confused as to why the authorities were not brought into the scenario to help Mr. Jones get his farm back. I understand that Mr. Jones did not want to be a laughing stock of the town, however, I feel that he wouldn’t be laughed at so much if he got his farm back. Obviously, people would still find him somewhat pathetic for losing his farm to his animals, but at least he would

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