
Animal Farm Paradox Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Published Sample Analysis: In this part in Animal Farm, the pigs wish to enact rules that will benefit them at the expense of the other animals on the farm. In one of their rules, a paradox is created whose function is to expose the truth that despite governments claiming to treat everyone equally, they tend to favor certain groups over others. The paradox is created through the statement that some are more equal than others, which is a contradicting statement because if some are more equal than others, then equality was never established. The effect of the device is to promote and spark new thinking within the reader towards the topic of equality. The reader will rethink what governments mean when they state that everyone is equal to one …show more content…

Published Sample: In the beginning of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, a description of a rural Alabama town during the Great Depression era is given. Lee says that in the town, people “didn’t hurry, because there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy, no money to buy it with, and nothing to see” (Lee 2). Published Sample Analysis: The device functions to create rhythm and flow within the sentence through a combination of both the sentence structure and the constant use of words beginning with “no”. The constant use of the negative words helps describe the town as an insignificant place where not much happens. Lee utilizes commas in quick succession, followed by the repeated words, in order to help emphasize the lack of events happening within the town. The constant use of the words similar in construction combined with the rhythmic flow created by the constant use of commas affects the piece by allowing Lee to stress the insignificance of the small town, which later contrasts with the largely significant event that occurs inside of the town. Lee is able to create the emphasis stated mainly through her use of commas to separate the similar words, as it allows Lee to state each aspect that makes the town insignificant one by one, almost in a list. The use of parallelism to stress the unimportance of the town of Maycomb is important towards communicating Lee’s purpose towards

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