
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle By Barbara Kingsolver

Satisfactory Essays

Rhetoric in “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle” by Barbara Kingsolver The issues of Americas food industries have in fact been issues debated against for decades. From McDonalds serving “pink mush” for a chicken substitute, to grossly inhumane slaughter houses across the nation. The fact still remains -- we, as Americans, are nowhere near a healthy and stable food industry. Few people realize this, and those who do realize it, either choose an unhealthy lifestyle or choose to improve their current lifestyle. Among the latter select, are Barbara Kingsolver and her family, who, in a pinch packed up their entire lives and took off to survive on homegrown food. As readers, we can’t help but wonder why Kingsolver chose to write the novel “Animal, Vegetable, Miracle”. Perhaps, not only is it to prove her courage, and overwhelming sense of pure determination Kingsolver shows in her writing, or the absolute credibility given to her by reason of her experiences, but it may be the organic connection we feel with Kingsolver and her family. The sincerity she captures and problems she overcomes to ultimately result in giving her audience a new perspective on life and, perchance [I would look for another way to say this], a new way of life. In the novel Kingsolver and her family throw everything in a moving vans and travel from the heart of Arizona, to southern Virginia. Once in Virginia they start a farm where they learn about, grow, and can different varieties of

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