Anne Marie Hochhalter used to be a self-described "band dork." She spent most of her time playing clarinet in Columbine High School's marching band and wind symphony, and—because she was shy—Anne Marie didn't stray far beyond the band's practice room when making friends. Part of Anne Marie's shyness stemmed from her self-consciousness. She loathed the ugly glasses, braces, and lanky build she still sported as a high school upperclassman.
Though she felt more comfortable being in the background, the national spotlight is where Anne Marie landed 10 years ago after two classmates whom she hardly knew tried to kill her outside Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., while she was eating lunch with friends. Two bullets fired by Eric Harris's TEC-9 semi-automatic weapon hit Hochhalter. One pierced her chest; the other, her spinal cord. She survived, thanks to a four-hour-long surgery, and lives today as a paraplegic. But the horrific incident began Hochhalter's transformation from an introverted teen into an outgoing, self-sufficient woman who has developed the strength to move past both the shooting and the personal tragedies she suffered because of it.
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Even when she saw deep red liquid appear on the clothing of students who had been shot, she assumed the color was coming from red paint balls. The senior class would graduate in a few weeks, and she figured the sounds were part of someone's senior prank. When she saw another student collapse on the sidewalk after being shot, she realized the truth. Before she could get up to run away, Hochhalter felt a stinging in her back. As she turned to identify the cause, she realized that she couldn't feel anything from her chest
Ellen Mary Pleasant was a legendary woman with a great influence. In fact, she has her own memorial park to honor her for her contribution to the world. The memorial park is located in 1501-1699 Octavia St, San Francisco, CA 94109. The memorial park is the smallest park in San Francisco. Ellen Mary Pleasant was born on August 19,1814 and has sadly died on January 4th, 1904 at the age of 90.
dith Wilson is a woman who played an immensely important part in the history of America’s Presidents. Mrs. Wilson is however hardly talked about and usually is put to the side. Looking back on the first lady’s life we can see the upbringing and past which led her to step up and serve her country incognito.
Anne Dudley was born on March 20, 1612. She grew up in cultured circumstances and was a well-educated woman for her time. She was tutored in history, some languages, and literature as well. At the age of 16, she married Simon Bradstreet. On June 14, 1630, Anne finally felt American soil for the first time in her life. The Bradstreet family had moved to what is now called, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Anne had her first child in 1632, his name was Samuel, and he was born in Newe Towne, which that’s what it was called back then.
Annie Wittenmyer was born August, 26th in 1827. Her parents treasured education, so, unlike most parents, Annie was sent to a select seminary. Annie was very gifted in writing; she had a poem published when she was twelve. When she reached age twenty, she married William Wittenmyer. They had four kids, but only one of them lived to adulthood, and her husband died later on.
Terror, shock, desperateness, all feelings of the Columbine victims. Through the narration of the encounter between Patti Nielson and the shooters during the beginning moments of the Columbine shooting in chapter 11 of Columbine, a memoir, Dave Cullen adopts an informative tone in order to focus young adults’ attention to the ruthlessness of the Columbine shooting.
Anne Frances Robbins (Nancy Davis Reagan), presidential first lady was born on July 6, 1921 in Manhattan, New York. In childhood she got a very good education and had good friends, in her middle ages she had a good job and a happy family, and in her later years she accomplished many things.
During the early sixteenth century, divorcing a queen was quite unheard of. Robert Lacey states that Wolsey himself pleaded with the King to avoid such action, nevertheless Henry was insistent. The reigning laws of the Catholic Church prohibited divorce unless the couple were granted a special release from the Pope. As one of the biggest authorities of England in both the church and government, Wolsey gathered a secret papal court in May 1527 in order to judge the kings case. After assembling twice more, had decided that they, as a collective were not qualified to judge such an important and sensitive matter. The Privy Council recommended that the King appeal to the Pope for the verdict on the annulment. Wolsey meanwhile travelled to France
For my research paper, I plan to write about the Boleyn/Howard family. I will be focusing mainly on Henry VIII wives Anne Boleyn and her cousin Catherine Howard. The time frame I look to examine is from the rise of Anne Boleyn and her family to the fall of Catherine Howard and the aftermath of their executions and how it affected the family left behind. I think that both the Boleyn's and Howard's were very influential towards the middle and end of Henry’s reign. Most prominent is Anne Boleyn who has been polarized throughout history as either an innocently executed wife or a malicious and ambitious she-wolf who brought down Catholicism in England. Whichever way you look at it Anne is one of his most remembered and influential wives. For whatever
The climax that occured in Columbine has positively and negatively changed the victims. The climax was the shootings done by Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold to Columbine High School, resulting in tremendous effects on the students and the surrounding community. One of the victims was Patrick Ireland. Ireland was shot twice in the head and once in the foot, he became paralyzed on the right side. He would suffer from seizures and loss of memory and speech causing numerous hours of pain and therapy. Through all the tough times, Ireland remained positive and focused, “He was going to walk again, and talk again, like a normal person. And he insisted he would be valedictorian” (Cullen 269). With hardwork and the help of a leg brace and anti-seizure
Anne Sullivan was born on Saturday, April 14, 1866 in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts. Anne grew up in a poor household with her two other siblings and her mother and father. . When Anne was only five years of age, she contracted trachoma, an eye disease. Her mother, Alice, suffered from tuberculosis and unfortunately died when Anne was eight years old. Her abusive father, Thomas, left Anne and her siblings after the death of his wife, thus leaving forcing Anne and one of her brothers to Tewksbury Almshouse. Tewksbury Almshouse was very run down and dirty which eventually led to Anne brother’s death a few months after their arrival. While Anne was at Tewksbury, she gained an interest in schools for the blind and was persistent in gaining an education and escaping poverty.
Anne Sullivan was born on 4/14/1866 in Feeding hills, Massachusetts. She was a gifted and talented person who taught a school for the blind, this school was called, “Perkin’s School for the Blind,” and this is where she taught Helen Keller, a blind and deaf student to communicate. This is a woman who made history for her actions and helped a lot of people during her time before her death in 1936. Anne Sullivan and her two surviving siblings grew up in impoverished conditions, and struggled with health problems. Her parents were immigrants from Ireland because of the recent famine that forced them to immigrate.
The Virginia Tech shooting was also one of the worst historical events in history that made me see things differently. On April 16, 2007, a shooting was occurred that not only changed the lives of the students, but also changed the way I see life. The reason was because one student had a mental problem which lead him to killing and hurting a lot of students. Mourning the losses of teachers, friends, and students, Virginia Tech is now forever changed, says one veterinary school spokesperson (Schultz, par. 2). It saddens me that a person would do this just to be famous or to cause physical and mental pain on innocent people.
In December of 2012, 23-year-old, Adam Lanza, killed his mother, then proceeding to enter sandy hook elementary school in Connecticut armed with a shotgun. After an hour and a half of chaos, 6 teachers and 20 students didn’t walk out of that school alive. One of those students was Emilie Parker; a sweet little blonde haired girl who’s fate changed my life as well as the life of my friends. Upon further investigation
Few things are as hard to imagine as the tragedy of a school shooting. On April 20, 1999, twelve students and one teacher were shot and killed at Columbine High School. That’s almost twice as many students as this class has. The attackers, Dylan Klebold and and Eric Harris were both seventeen years old. The teens had their friend, Robyn Anderson (who was 18 years old at the time), help them obtain the weapons.
In the movie, the Babadook, the characters express their grief that never leaves. It grows as “monster” that one learns how to deal with because losing someone is never gets easier. These scenes are compared and contrasted through mise-en-scè, cinematography, and editing. This scene analysis is going relate two scenes that helps understand what one goes through after a lost. The movie has characters that help express the misery of one that doesn’t learn how to grieve in a proper manner. How one overcomes the pain and changes for the better and slowly has better days. A brighter day might not come tomorrow, but learning how to control your days come within time.