
Anne Moody's Autobiography Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay

Decent Essays

"I couldn't believe it, but it was the Klan blacklist, with my picture on it. I guess I must have sat there for about an hour holding it," says Moody in her autobiography Coming of Age in Mississippi. In Moody's response to the blacklist, one pervasive theme from her memoir becomes evident: though she participated in many of the same activist movements as her peers, Moody is separated from them by several things, chief among them being her ability to see the events of the 1960s through a wide, uncolored perspective (pun intended). Whereas many involved on either side of the civil rights movement became caught up in its objectives, Moody kept a level head and saw things as honestly as she could, even if it meant thinking negatively of her …show more content…

While playing, she looks over her white friend's "privates," and, as is explained in the book, thinks "I examined each of them three times, but I didn't see any differences. I still hadn't found that secret." Even as a child, Moody is bright enough to question the role of race in her society. In Part 2 – Teenage years Moody continues to push at the boundaries of society post-childhood, which lead to her getting involved in activist causes as a teen. After the wife of a Klan member mentions the NAACP, Moody asks her mother to tell her more about the organization. Her mother responds with scorn to the situation, refusing to tell her daughter about the NAACP and also telling her never to ask any white person about it either. Nonetheless, Moody asks another adult about the organization and eventually gets a full five hours of history on the movement. Moody's newfound knowledge of the NAACP made her more aware of the time in which she was living; in a sense, gaining a broader world view. She more or less says as much in her memoir when she writes "I couldn't go on pretending I was dumb and innocent, pretending I didn't know what was going on." At the time, these views set her apart from not only her classmates, but her family as well. In Part 3 - College Prior to her attendance at her first NAACP convention Moody received a condemning letter from her mother, telling her that she is foolish for getting involved with the

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