
Annie Play : Character Analysis Of Annie's Play

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Annie is a play set in the great depression about a orphan who manages to spend Christmas with a billionaire while trying to find her biological parents. Many people attempt to fake being Annie’s parents, to get a reward but none of them succeed, and Annie finds her real family in the Warbucks, the billionaire that cares for her, and gets adopted by him and lives happily ever after.
The play was very well done and was not dull even though it was catered to a large audience. The musical numbers are very entertaining, and the spectacle, both visual and emotional, is well accomplished. I would recommend this to most children and adults, due to the Christmas themes and general lightheartedness of the play.
Two specific characters caught my eye as I watched Annie, one of them being Annie herself. The way she held herself like a child and radiated optimism assisted me in believing her character. Her gesticulations were good, but since I was in the back row, some of them were hard to see and interpret. She held herself like she was Annie very well,but she also spoke like a child, and intensified her character by sounding how a uneducated child would sound. Her undeniable optimism let her foil very well with other characters, making the play better. In the scene where she was talking to the hobos, she revealed the hobos pessimism, while reinforcing her own optimism without having it shoved down our throats by her simply saying she was optimistic outright. The way she built her

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