
Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography Templates
Website Title: wearable computers Author:
URL: : http://en., Date accessed: The page was last modified on 9 August 2014 at 10:19
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Wearable technology which has been developed allot from past few decades to the present times. This class of technology and its use varies according to the purpose. Wearable computers are especially for complex situations. The use of the computers has been raise consistently in the sector of defense. Wearable computers were first introduced …show more content…

URL(ifavailable): Date accessed: JANUARY 2013
Journal Title: Defence Science Journal
Year of publication: JANUARY 2013 Page Numbers:
Volume no: Vol. 63, No. 1
Issue no:
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Body adaptable wearable technology, the broad and expanding category that has gone through a big revolution from past few decades to present time of wearable technology and hands-free computing. The range of wearable applications is too broad to cover in meaningful way in just one report. However the importance and its usefulness of the wearable technology in defense and military is possibly described in the following report. Therefore this paper presents a brief overview of applications in defense sector that benefits the soldiers in every way a soldier can be benefited.
KEYWORDS: Nanotechnology, Smart Fabrics,Sensors,body armor …show more content…

In aspects of defense and military these wearable computers plays a prominent role. This bibliography shows the gadgets and benefits of wearable electronics to the soldiers in harsh and dangerous situations.

Smart soldiers also require smart textiles or intelligent outfits which senses and reacts to environmental conditions. New fiber techniques, smart material and advanced microelectronics have enabled the implementations of intelligent clothes. With help of these electronics soldiers clothes’ will be capable of much more lie recoding, analyzing, sending and displaying data. Hand-free computers have eliminated the use of keyboards for the soldiers and replace them with the input of speech recognition. The speech recognition is easy to create because the military applications require only a small numbers commands.
Dragon Dictate Single, Kurzweli Voice Pad Pro and IBM Voice Type Simply Speaking are some of the speech recognition applications which are currently used by soldiers and defense sector.


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