
Wearable Health Tracking Device From Passive Monitoring For Active Treatment Assist Device

Decent Essays

chapter{Introduction} This thesis revolves around defining wearable health tracking devices by adding an ac{WAB} that is able to transform the current wearable health tracking device from passive monitoring to active treatment assist device. This framework has been designed by combining the recent advancement of biomechanical, materials, electrical and telecommunication engineering, and industrial design technology. It is capable of not only collecting, storing, and monitoring raw and synthesised data as like as the current wearable healthcare devices do, but it also provides autonomous reconfiguration, controlling treatment processes by using data to provide intelligent local and remote feedback with decision making. Applications are relieved from clinical protocols of fracture and wound healing, post-operative pressure-assisted rehabilitations, remote patient monitoring and clinical intervention, sports monitoring in e.g., elite athletes in injury prevention, and data management for epistemology on the peculiarities of gender, race and age in these processes across the world. In this introduction, we describe the current ground for personal health care and the general description we proposed the way forward. The contribution of this research and commercialisation viable also discussed at the end of this chapter. section{Motivation} The motivation of our work rises from the increasing health monitoring needs with rising healthcare burden. Last few decades, the

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