
Annotated Bibliography List : Ted Talk Essay

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Annotated Resource List TED Talk Information The TED Talk video that I watched was Why do we sleep by Russel Foster. This TED talk was about why we need sleep and how getting less than the suggested amount affects the brain. There are three main reasons why we need sleep; restoration, energy conservation, and brain function. Only certain genes are turned on when you sleep so you need to sleep in order for those genes to turn on and allow you other genes to be restored, while sleeping you save about 110 calories, sleep helps enhance creativity, and your brain is less likely to retain information if you’re sleep deprived and trying to cram information. On average a teen needs 9 hours of sleep, in the 1950s the average teen was getting 8 hours of sleep, today on average teens are getting 5 hours of sleep, which is half the amount that we need. If you’re not receiving the amount of sleep that you need your body will uncountable got into micro-sleeping which will happen to at least 31% of drivers in their lifetime. When a person has lack of sleep they will experience memory loss, increases impulsiveness, and poor judgement. When lacking these qualities, the brain craves things to fill these gaps. To fill these cravings, the brain will try to use things like alcohol and drugs to sedate you. This can also lead to weight gain because your will release a hormone signaling to your brain that you need more carbohydrates and sugars. A study that was noted in this TED Talk was a

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