
Annotated Bibliography Of Laughing At Risk

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Ramsey Parra October 16th, 2017 Annotated Bibliography RHODES, N., & ELLITHORPE, M. E. (2016). Laughing at Risk: Sitcom Laugh Tracks Communicate Norms for Behavior. Media Psychology, 19(3), 359-380. The function that sitcom laugh tracks play in the correspondence of social standards was researched. Members (n = 112) were presented to a sitcom in which thoughtless driving practices were shown. One group of the members saw a portion of the sitcom with the laugh track on, and the other group saw the same portion with the laugh track cut out. Results demonstrate that laugh tracks do suggest data about what sorts of driving conduct is normal. In particular, the availability of unsafe driving injunctive standards was affected by the laugh track and situation control. This impact was directed by relating with the character who showed foolish conduct. Openness of hazardous driving standards at that point anticipated dispositions, unmistakable standards, and behavioral goals with respect to unsafe driving. The ramifications of the outcomes is that media accounts can communicate standards about conduct through the laugh track in a sitcom. This article would beneficial to my research because it exemplifies how the laugh track is used. The laugh track is shown to indicate when the light heartedness of the situation would be. Without the laugh track, the participants did not laugh as much compared to the participants who did. It also demonstrates what behavior is normal and what

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