Name: Jaylen Castro
Date: 11/15/16
Purpose: The name of my innovation that is being represented by my computational artifact is Solar Roads. The main purpose for Solar Roads is that they produce clean renewable energy for the surrounding environment. Solar Roads are also intelligent and can be rearranged buy coding the roads to represent pictures, signs, and cautions on the road. It can also help with road kill, snow or ice on the road, can store water and transfer it, can charge EV’s, can provide an emergency warning system, and also expand the computing technology package for other companies.
For my artifact i used a website called Animaker. What i did to present my artifact is show an animation type picture to represent what happens to the roads in the sun and in the rain. I used a picture of the sun and arrows pointing towards the roads and a raining animation to show what is going on. I also put some statistics on the left side to differentiate and contrast the distinct difference of asphalt, concrete, and Solar Roads. Texts are there to show a perspective view on what i am showing.
There are many benefits to comprehend with when you are talking about Solar Roads, but one of the main beneficial effects Solar roads contains is the generation of clean energy coming from a source called the sun(6). With having the sun available or a very very long period of time, solar roads are able to generate energy substantially without stopping.
Creation of Artifact: [This artifact was created on February 17th for the purposes of completing this assignment.]
Heritage Solar is owned and operated by two engineers who have more than 50 years of combined experience. Together their team has designed, installed and commissioned more than 650 solar systems in over 70 cities in Southern California. They are a SunPower Elite Dealer and their staff includes an NABCEP certified installer who oversees all installations and processes. Their team also includes engineers with decades of electrical hardware design and contracting experience. Additionally, each installation crew is lead by C-10 electrical contractors.
Ed Welsh and Bo Haeberle discovered an idea of the solar feeder. After years of developing, the product became very successful. It even won several prizes like the best new product in the Bird Watch America trade show, the national birding convention. After this, Ed and Bo decided to sell their final product under new established company Squirrel Defense, Inc. They opened a small shop in Greensboro and begin the production of the solar feeder so they could take orders for the demanded product. Owners spent too much money and time on developing the product and now, their expectations are high because they have an advantage of unique product and even the investors showed interest in the company.
This is some of my best work because I really worked hard on this and my partner and I did all of the work ourselves. We didn't simply follow some directions, but we made everything ourselves and still ended up doing everything successfully. This is something I'm really proud for since it clearly shows what I'm capable of doing on my own, without a teacher to help me through every step. It also was a learning process because we made mistakes along the way, but we learned from them which made it so we had the best procedure possible. All of the effort and the planning that we put into this project really made it so it was as good as it could be despite any minor bumps we hit along the way. The main thing that went well was the planning process when making everything. We really thought everything out and made sure to think of everything before committing to paper since we didn't want to have to cross a lot of things out. We took a excessive amount of time to think through each step to make sure we missed nothing and also thought through all the
Solar energy and its use isn’t new to the world. It has been used by various societies beginning from 7thCentury B.C, when the sun’s heat was concentrated by glass and mirrors to light fires. Today, we have everything from solar-powered buildings to solar-powered vehicles. By and large solar technology has some environmental, economic, psychological and ethical implications for our society. Actions taken by companies and individuals to increase the use of solar technology will create good local jobs, improve our environment and reduce our dependence on foreign oil while doing what’s ethical and moral for our society.
4)Recently my project has been partnering with the Baxter County Historical and Genealogical Society, and creating a virtual map, using ArcGIS, that highlights all of the historical locations listed in the Historical
In this modern fast paced world that we live in, there are many issues that are looked over, energy is one of these. As a world, we are dependant on dwindling fossil fuel supplies and take for granted electricity, oil, and gas. There are four completely renewable sources of energy around us that should be used and developed, they are: wind, growing plants, flowing water, and the sun. These sources of energy are the ones we should be tapping, because they are reliable and renewable. Harnessing the suns energy is the most certain and ultimate energy source. Looking at a brief history and some facts about solar energy, a glimpse of the future can be seen, a future not dependant on
1. What is the mission of Namaste Solar? How does the mission reflect the company’s values? Explain.
In the beginning Scott and Julie Brusaw became open on the subject for creating solar-powered LED roadways, they have encountered an endless amount of doubt and even outright aggression. The reaction was obviously expected given how new this sort of technology is. Not only is it new, but it would quite difficult to execute the dream of electrifying roads and highways with reinforced solar panels. Some questioned question if whether or not solar roadways are even necessary. However, the most important company that governs American roads -- was willing to at least give the idea a shot. Although the idea of solar roadways does sound amazing has many obvious potholes, but its
Storms in space could have a devastating effect on our society. Solar storms are a result of solar flares and are electromagnetic in nature. They are capable of causing power outages and halting all types of communication, including; electronic pagers; radio and television broadcasts; credit card transactions; military communications; etc.
Solar energy is the most ancient kind of energy found on earth, for it is as old as the sun. "Solar" means from the sun. The earth is only one of the many planets which is bathed in the sun's overflowing energy. Every second the world receives 95.8 trillion watts of power…just think about that for a minute. Think about how much power the earth just received in the time it took you to read this sentence? It is well beyond the amount of power used in one day. It has the potential to satisfy all our energy needs forever without ever having to use the pollutive fossil fuels ever again. "The problem however, does not lie in the limited source, as do fossil fuels, but in harnessing
Solar energy is an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels. Our planet has been experiencing an average increase in global temperatures. Slowly but surely our planet is deteriorating, unless we change our form of energy into a greener alternative. Deterioration of our planet may occur at a faster rate. The depletion of fossil fuels is detrimental to our environment. By substituting fossil fuels with the solar energy, our planet will benefit. These benefits include: reduced climate change, beneficial economic opportunities on both a large scale benefitting our government and on a smaller scale helping individuals decrease their energy bills, and solar energy is renewable and sustainable.
Abstract: The current energy situation with fossil fuels as the main source of the world’s energy has two main flaws: fossil fuels contribute to global warming via the greenhouse effect and they are limited in the quantity that remains. Solar power solves both of these problems and can be captured by utilizing photovoltaic cells. However, photovoltaic cells have their own drawbacks due to their high costs of installation and maintenance.
If we choose to switch to solar energy in future, it will greatly save our environment because, it does not pollute our air and it is reasonably efficient. It will help reduce global warming, and thus a future green environment with no pollution from fossil fuels, and other conventional sources of energy. To add on that, it will also help in conserving our remaining fossil fuels so that it may not run out in the coming 100-500 years, as it has been predicted.
Now that we understand what solar energy is and how it benefits our society, we are going to delve deeper into it’s advantages. The most prevalent advantage of solar energy is that it is renewable. It can be harnessed in all areas all around the world is available everyday. Unlike some of the other alternative energy sources, we cannot run out of solar energy. As long as we have the sun, solar