
Annual Isp Essay

Decent Essays

This is an Annual ISP. Ned is a pleasant and friendly Caucasian male. He communicates his wants and needs verbally and is fully ambulatory. Ned is relatively quiet and does not initiate conversations with peers or staff. However, he will interact with others and engage in conversation. Ned enjoys community outings such as, bowling and swimming, watching TV and listening to music. Ned resides at Maranatha Human Services' 79th Street IRA located at 153-10 79th Street in Howard Beach, NY. He shares his room with another peer and gets along with his other housemates. Ned is independent in self-care tasks but requires assistance with shaving. He dresses and undresses independently but needs prompts to choose weather appropriate …show more content…

Ned attends Maranatha Human Services' Day Habilitation Without Walls program managed through the 79th Street IRA residence. He enjoys the program and participates in all offerings. Ned continues to work on the same valued outcomes with no changes at this time. His valued outcomes are: to become more safety aware and independent in the community, to improve his overall health through exercise and to improve his academic skills with reading and writing. Staff will provide Ned support to become more confident by traveling safely in the community. They will also encourage Ned to take walks for 15 minutes sessions in the community, play sports such as, basketball, soccer, or catch during the week. Ned has a fair understanding of math (addition) and likes working on problems from his workbook. Ned is satisfied with programming and enjoys the staff and his peers. There were no changes to his Day Habilitation Plan. Ned is diagnosed with Moderate Intellectual Disability, Autism, Schizophrenia-Undifferentiated, Psychogenic Polydipsia. He also has a history of drug related retinopathy, Diabetes Mellitus, Osteoporosis Priapism, a history entry of a 3.2cm Echogenic Lesion in lobe of his liver, Hypertension, and Hypothyroidism; treated with medication. His Diabetes requires daily finger sticks where staff assists him. Ned has a history of mild to moderate hearing loss but has good hearing despite of loss. He is on a high fiber, double portion of

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