
Anthem Theme Of Sin Quotes

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Equality’s Sin Assessment Within the novel, Anthem, Equality begins the story as though what is being done is a sin. As the novel progresses on, Equality’s mentality develops as well leading up to the progression of his assessment of this so called sin. Upon reaching the end of Equality’s self-finding, he reaches the conclusion that what he is doing is infact not a sin. Following the mentality that one should have their own individualistic quality, Equality’s final assessment of this “sin” would be correct. Living through this society, Equality is quite unfamiliar with the concept of individuality. Initially, Equality lives denying any hint of individuality coming to light just as others in the society do. With that mentality Equality pleads, …show more content…

That in which eventually strays him from the rest of his sheltering society. In the following quote it is said, “We seized our box, we shoved them aside, and we ran to the window. We turned and we looked at them for the last time, and a rage, such as is not fit for humans to know, choked our voice in our throat” (27). The rejection of his idea changes his moral perspective on the society he has been so comfortable with by a great deal. The action taken in response to this rejection is the greatest spark of individuality within Equality, due to this being one of the first major acts he takes with his own mentality. Now that he is exposed to individuality Equality grows closer to being able to evaluate his …show more content…

The final judgement he comes to is acknowledging the expression of individuality. There is no sin in simply writing the thoughts one harbors as an individual in this world. Equality has accumulated knowledge of this, and has rightfully decided that writing this as an individual is not sinful. Due to Equality gaining enough knowledge to evaluate his “sin” with his own mentality/morals it can now be said that his current evaluation is correct, as individuality is something that should be allowed

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