
Anthropology On The Internet And Social Transaction Evolves

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Anthropology on the Internet
I’d like to think online communities are just live-action communities on Adderall, bound by the same constraints but evolving at a breakneck pace.
You see, on the internet every nook and cranny has its own culture. As in real life, the larger the community, the less peculiar the customs. This is both an advantage and a drawback. If small forum lend themselves to cliques, large ones lend themselves to atomization. I find the culture of the internet as fascinating as any, maybe even more so, because on the internet social transaction evolves fast as the internet connection, 234 bits per second.
De facto the medium of the internet works as a kind of filter: Computers sit in the corners of rooms.
People who accumulate on forums tend to come from a certain stock. That is to say they’re often of nerdy disposition. These are people who maybe exist on the margins of society. People who maybe worship things like Pokemon and Star Trek the way the average American worships football.
Before I found the internet I might as well have been an alien. I wore two-inch thick glasses and shopped at thrift stores and had a familiarity only with pop-culture of the 90s, ten years too late, because I watched exclusively such shows as The X-Files and Star Trek: the Next Generation.
You can imagine my excitement when I first came across tribes—entire swathes of people—who were happy, more than happy, to analyze the plot of TV shows or debate the particulars of extinct

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