
Anti ­ Semitism Is Prevalent Throughout The World

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Anti­Semitism has been prevalent throughout the world for centuries. There is something

about the Jewish race that makes them a target. The cause towards this hostility can be looked at

both through religious and through other motivations. They have been treated like scapegoats

during predicaments that did not even involve them. The ritual murder accusation at Blois, France

in 1171 for example is one of the first cases of blood libel in Europe for which technically isn 't

even a practiced ritual by the Jews. Even though this happened a few decades after the Jews of

Norwich, England were accused of the same crimes; there has been neither proof that a crime has

been committed nor any reports of a missing Christian child in either case. This leads to the notion

that Anti­Semitism can either be based on religious reasons or other stereotypes. Based off of the

primary source, the Jewish community of 40 can be looked at as a martyred group for their religion

in which they died for noble reasons (Jacob, 1).

Medieval Jews were religious outsiders in a highly populated Christian world. Medieval

Anti­semitism was unpredictable and varied from location. The views and attitudes of leaders such

as kings, lords or the clergy was a crucial factor on how Jews were treated and viewed in the area

they resided. They also had to reside in areas separate from Christians even though they were able

to live, work and conduct business. It wasn’t a big mystery to see why Jews were

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