
Anti Black Racism And The Black Experience

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This document is intended to provide a brief look at the historical context of Anti-Black Racism as it relates to the ‘Black experience’ in general. In doing so, it does not attempt to highlight or emphasize policing or police oversight in particular. It will, however, help to facilitate greater understanding of the historical and omnipresent nature of Anti-Black Racism in our institutions, and collective psyche.

The roots and manifestations of Anti-Black racism can be traced far back in western history and cultural practice. Needless to say its continuing impact and repercussions in our modern day public, private, Judaeo-Christian and social institutions and practices, while perhaps, not always understood or openly acknowledged, is …show more content…

Plantation slave drivers and overseers have been replaced by public prosecutors and militarized police, and the human right to life, denied Africans during the 400 years of the barbarity called chattel slavery, continues to be contested. The racism that informs that contestation defines and distorts the primary social rations of humanity.”

Here in Canada, there has been reluctance to openly engage in similar public discourse and action. Perhaps from a sense of not wanting to ‘rock the boat’, or possibly a more complacent or self-righteous notion that we are not as bad as our neighbours to the south. We celebrate our diversity but many see Anti-Black Racism and diversity as competing or even mutually exclusive. Some might offer that this in itself exemplifies the way in which Anti-Black racism manifests itself north of the Forty-ninth Parallel. Stephen Lewis in his 1992 Report to Premier Bob Rae, just over a month after the riots on Toronto’s Yonge Street, was arguably the first to forthrightly acknowledge and describe how Anti-Black Racism manifests itself. In the first of his four initial observations in the report, he not only names and acknowledges Anti-Black Racism but also delineates the pervasiveness if its reach in the Black communities with whom he consulted across Southern Ontario.
“It is Blacks who are being shot [by police], it is Black youth that is

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