
Anti Hero Is Not A Curse Word?

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It’s currently the time for an extraordinary event that happens once every four years can you guess what it is? If you have guessed the olympics, it would’ve been a good guess, but it is wrong. It’s finally election season, and it 's that time of the year where the intensity is as strong as ever. Words have been flying through the air left and right, often using not so stellar language upon the opposing side.These words could be seen as offensive, and often Americans perceive that curse words and arguments come hand and hand, but can you think of a deplorable, slanderous word that is not a curse word? One that comes to mind is Anti-hero,it comes to mind for me because it has been trending upon the American audiences thought upon the controversial figure Donald Trump,and that if he is or if he is not an Anti-hero?
Firstly let’s try to explain what an anti-hero is. According to the American Heritage Dictionary entry of “anti hero”,an antihero is, “a protagonist who lacks conventional heroic qualities such as idealism, courage or morality. These individuals often possess dark personality traits such as disagreeableness,dishonesty, and aggressiveness.”To relate this to Donald Trump, for those of you misinformed,currently the United States is holding an election for the next president of the United States, and there are two major running parties. Representing the Democratic Party is a woman who could potentially become the first Female president of the United states, but we are

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