
Anti Immigration Issues

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Immigration, a complicated current event that dates back to the 1800s, The question: Do people support it or fear it? It is widely known that people find it hard to take a side of the issue. However, There should be a pathway to citizenship for all immigrants who meet the requirements and have certain credentials. Opportunity-seeking people are needed in the United States and society seems to be overlooking this fact.

According to a poll conducted by the Public Policy Institute of California “52 percent of Californians considered Mexican immigrants a benefit to the state because of their hard work and job skills, while only 36 percent described them as a burden because of their use of public services and schools” (Martin and Midgley, par.34). The pros …show more content…

The reality is that these people who are quick to judge, do not know the real situation. Author Michael Fuoco addresses this issue, he notes, “The Hispanic homicide victimization rate declined by 5.8 homicides per 100,000 Hispanics - from 12.4 homicide victims per 100,000 Hispanics in 1990 to 6.6 in 2010, for a 47 percent decrease” (Fuoco, par.9). The truth is, many public figures use violent words to describe immigrants, but since the first wave of Hispanics, in the 1900s. The alien population entering the United States has shown improvement in both; working statistics and crime rate. Few brave immigrants decide to cross the border into a new life, a miniscule amount cause harm or disturbance, Much less, commit murder. The president election is a major headline in worldwide news, and leading candidate Donald trump attracts the public with his appealing words. In return, the public receives the wrong message. The real purpose of why immigrants leave everything behind to come here is completely misunderstood. They are looking to aid and serve as the labor force, not to harm and serve time in

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