
Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea

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The clinical problem that will be addressed for the purpose of the critical appraisal is the use of probiotics to prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea. The prevalence of diarrhea related to use antibiotic usage is a commonly acknowledge the adverse effect in patients. Therefore, further understanding into what can prevent such an adverse effect can be of significant benefit.
Antibiotic-associated diarrhea is defined as inexplicable diarrhea that is present in connection with the use of antibiotics. It is typically caused by alterations in the microflora of the stomach (Beaugerie & Petit, 2004). The rate of this associated complication is related often to the type of antibiotic that is used. This change to the microflora create the opportunity …show more content…

The study trial clearly focused on the effectiveness that S. boulardii had on the prevention of AAD and Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CDAD) the use of the probiotics to prevent this. The population focus was hospitalized adults. A total of fifteen hospitals were included in the trial. Two thousand four hundred and forty-four patients were initially screen to participate in this study. 1976 participants were deemed to be ineligible, unwilling to participate in the study or there were ethical or operational limitations that resulted in patients not participating. This has the potential to significantly impact external validity. Since the participants were all from large teaching hospitals, the comorbidities and illness of the patient were more complex, therefore it led to issues in the recruitment process. The eligibility criteria could have resulted in only healthy participants being included within the study. The assignment of patients to the intervention group occurred using blocked randomization. An allocation ratio of 1:1 was implemented through a computer method. The sequence for allocation into the groups using a separate statistician and the results were hidden from the participants or the investigators. The trials were stopped early due to futility was noted after four hundred and forty-six patients. A total of four hundred and seventy-seven patients were randomized into …show more content…

The use of antibiotics had discontinued due to adverse effects that presented in the patient, such as abdominal cramping, nausea, increase temperature, or rash. The results of the study concluded that when patients received a systemic antibiotic, S. Boulardii did not prevent ADD within the adult, hospitalized population. The experiential group and the intervention group were treated equally. The trial medication or a matching placebo was administered twice daily. Each group would start in phase one, and would receive the dose concurrently with the antibiotic. The duration of administration of the trial drug varied. When the antibiotic was discontinued, phase two of the study commenced and the drug as given for an additional seven days. If an antibiotic was reinitiated, then phase one would be restarted. After phase two ended, the participants in each group where monitored for a total of six weeks. The consistency of stool was documented by the participant in the study and then the data was gathered each week by the researchers. This lead to complications within the study since it was found that the participants were not consistent on how they kept the records of their stool amount and consistency or simply forgot. A total of one hundred and eighty-five participants did not document their daily bowel movements. The study also concluded that the frequency of loose stools per day was increased in the

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