
Antidepressants Vs. Placebo Pills

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Everyone enjoys happiness. Sure, we exude it a multitude of ways, but overall, everyone loves to be happy. For the majority of our world’s past, people have experienced this emotion through doing activities that make them happy, such as watching a comedy show, exercising, or listening to music. In the more recent decades, however, “happiness pills”, more commonly known as “antidepressants”, have been the substitute for how to feel this emotion. They are prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with depression in hopes that taking the pill will stop the depression and fill the mind with feelings related to positivity. What researchers have begun to notice though is that sometimes it’s more in the patients head than they think. Because of this observation, placebo pills were introduced as a way to distinguish if antidepressants are truly beneficial for a patient or if the power of positive thinking is enough. One article titled, “Prescriptions for Happiness”, uses the question, “how much greater is the recovery of those taking an active drug as compared to those taking the inactive placebo” as a thesis for their research, and in doing so, they make a few surprising observations. …show more content…

The researchers later discovered that the success rates of the drug pill work 60%-70% of the time, while the placebo pills had a rate of 25%-30%, which is much higher than one would imagine. Even more interestingly, in fifteen reviews of a drug pill, between 30%-40% of the studies showed no difference in response to prescriptions versus placebos. Therefore, when compared to antidepressants, the success rate of placebos is only slightly lower than former pill, despite the placebo being non-medicated and

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