
Ap Essay For English Class

Satisfactory Essays

GPS Essay In the second semester of my sophomore year, I have been able to pass all my classes. I also finished taking the AP exam for my AP European History class. During this semester I have grown as a student in my skills for academic success in computer science; we made webpages using HTML and CSS language. I have also grown in my ability to communicate ideas by presenting a Prezi slideshow to my English class and classmates; the presentation was about a book we read in class in our groups. I have been able to grow as a student in my skills for academic success in my computer science class by doing different types of webpages using HTML and CSS. HTML and CSS are a types of computer language in which I used different types of …show more content…

The project was about the book we read “We Are Witnesses”, we had to read the book in class and outside of class with our group members, while completing some worksheets of the main events in the story. One of the stories that I read was about a girl named Anne Frank who was with her family living in an attic with another family during World War 2. They were able to live in the attic until they were found and sent to death camps. This helped me in communicating ideas because I was able to present a project to my classmates were my group and I explained to them the story from the point of view of kids that were around our age. This also helped me with my way of presenting In front oi an audience because I'm usually nervous when I present and I speak fast, but in this presentation I was able to speak more fluently and feel more confident when I was presenting. This presentation was different from my other presentations because in this presentation I talked about the different types of life experiences little kids had to go through with their family members, it also made me more nervous because it wasn’t easy for me to talk about other people’s

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