
Ap World History Dbq Essay

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The Mongolians were tricky people. Forced out of there homelands, it made them thrash and slash there way to the top. They concorde almost all of Asia, But people still say there ravenous people were the worst thing to happen to all of the country. That they were soulless monsters and killed for fun. But no they weren't they had to kill they had no other way of getting supplies. Plus half of the stuff the did like the Pax mongolia helps with so many things that were beneficial in the future. Like trade, The Silk Road was able to spread religion and technology and so many other things that connected the rest of the world. Plus there battle tactics are still somewhat used today like pairing up in various groups and have each little group have a …show more content…

Genghis Khan used his armies in powers of ten. And each of the groups had there own leader. It went from ten to ten thousand groups. This allowed them to move more efficiently they just said what groups needed to go and who much in each. This tactic is still used today within armies with their squadrons are just the groups they used back then. As stated in document (2) “.... organized in such a way that over ten men can beset one man.” They also made there horses more accurate. By changing the saddle they were able to allow there archers to be more accurate and high speeds. This continued through almost all history in war. This was stated in the Gengis Khan video documentary made by the history channel. He made his horses more accurate that the rider can shoot straight at an full speed. Genghis khan used also psychological warfare. This lead to him earning more and more to his army out of fear of what might come. We still use this today with battle music or large numbers to scare an opponent into submission. Also named in the documentary, one man would light 5 fires and when it was over it was like looking at the

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