
Apple Case Study

Decent Essays

Running Head: Apple Case Study Case Study: Apple Davenport University July 5, 2011 Overview When looking for great employees Apple strays away from the norm. Instead of looking for great salespeople who have a great track record of using sophisticated technology Apple has decided to do it differently. They look for people who love their product and enjoy using it. Apple is looking for people who, “isolate true enthusiasm and believe in the Apple products” (Jason Colquitt, 2011). Black cards are the new invention at this company. Apple has a new strategy to have their people hand out black cards t employees at other organizations. These cards have the apple emblem and have something written on each side. On the front of the …show more content…

We first must look at their organizational behavior. Organizational behavior is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in organizations (Jason Colquitt, 2011). Now by Apple going into other corporations and handing out their black cards that is just making their employees think poorly about the corporations they work for; thinking there is better out there. To some, Apple’s behavior can be considered good, hard-nosed business, but to most it is considered to acting unethically. By developing this black card strategy Apple is not just trying to hire anyone, they are trying to steal employees from other companies, so they already know they will be good for the job. Apple really needs to take a step back and look at their behavior. They need to find the correlation between their actions and other organizations. The type of organizational behavior being displayed here by Apple is the method of intuition with a bit of experience. It is obvious that their strategy is working and there experience tells them so. That does not make it right though. They are still costing other organizations good employees. The job performance showed by their employees is very negative. Apple needs to go out and get a 360 degree feedback from an outside source. Black Card Training When Apple brings a new

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