
Application Of A Module Declaration

Satisfactory Essays

// ECE2072 Assignment 2014.
// Written by Lindsay Kleeman, Monash University.

// Complete the sections marked /***STUDENT TO COMPLETE***/

// Naming convention used:
// Module names begin with capital and each word begins with capital.
// Ports of a module declaration begin with i for input and o for output followed by Capital.
// number bits labelled at end by xbit
// standard port names are all CAPITALISED
// Internal signals start with lowercase and base of name first followed by
// D1 for delayed by one clock period (ie previous version),
// _new for next and
// number bits at end if not 1. Use _ as separator within name.

module assign2014(CLOCK_50, KEY, SW, HEX0, HEX1, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4, HEX5, HEX6, HEX7, …show more content…

// A time delay called the release time elapses before the start light is turned on again
// and the whole process repeats. The release time is optionally displayed on oHEX7 to oHEX4 if iDisplayReleaseTime=1
// The release time is either random when iSelID=0 or based on the student ID sequence when iSelID=1.
// The normal ID sequence skips a digit when iSkip=1.
module ReactionTimer(iClk, iAsyncReset, iAsychStop, iDisplayReleaseTime, iSkip, iSelID, oHEX0, oHEX1, oHEX2, oHEX3, oHEX4, oHEX5, oHEX6, oHEX7, oLED_GO); input iClk, iAsyncReset, iAsychStop, iDisplayReleaseTime, iSkip, iSelID; output [6:0] oHEX0, oHEX1, oHEX2, oHEX3, oHEX4, oHEX5, oHEX6, oHEX7; output [7:0] oLED_GO;

//*********** Internal signals ..... defined and implemented below ... wire reset; // synchronised version of reset input from KEY[0] wire stop; // synchronised version of stop input from KEY[3] wire stopD1; //1 clock period delayed stop wire start; //goes high when start light turns on and defined below. wire CEmsec; //Clock Enable that is 1 for a single clock cycle every millisecond // driven by ReactionTimerDisplay instance wire [13:0] release_time_new14bit; //time in msec to count down to next start wire [13:0] release_time_random14bit; //next random release time

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