
Application for FIT Essay

Decent Essays

Wayne Dyer once said “doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life”. Ever since I was a little girl, fashion has always been a very important part of my life. However, while most young girls were busy designing Barbie’s next outfit, I was enthusiastically trying to figure out the best way to market and sell Barbie to my friends. This habit did not end during my childhood years; rather it followed me through high school. I firmly believe that being passionate about your career can add much happiness and depth to your life. By attending FIT I can bring and take away positive ideas and qualities.
Throughout my high school career I focused on law. Law was not my passion but with a family full of lawyers it is what I …show more content…

In my personal life I have displayed the quality of determination. During my young adolescent years I was the victim of bullying. Not only did I receive this unfair treatment from my fellow students, but I also received it from an unexpected source- a teacher. After three years of harassment, things finally improved. I went to high school and learned how to defend myself. I gained my self- confidence back and was able to use my experience to help others. During my sophomore year in high-school, I helped launch two clubs. One club was for a free Tibet and the other to help stop bullying in our school and area. Being determined helped me move on from what happened to me and I was able to turn it into something positive that could help others.
The “Advertising, Marketing, and Communications” field is more than just a major. It is dealing with people, using your mind, being creative, and being willing to step into the unknown. This career requires people who are able to take charge and handle tasks in the best manner possible, talents I believe I possess. To study this major at FIT, one must love fashion and be passionate about it. Fashion does not just involve clothing, but it can tell a story and can convey different emotions. It takes a special type of person to be able to create, advertise and market fashion. Being able effectively communicate with individuals is also a very important skill that is

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