
Applied Medical 's Current Sustainability Practices Essay

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Applied Medical has grown from its humble beginnings twenty years ago to a quarter billion dollar company by implementing an unconventional, vertically-integrated business model that has catapulted the company to be world leader in the laparoscopic trocar market.
. The company 's mission is to reduce the cost of healthcare by providing the best quality medical devices at the lowest possible price. "We are proud to have a significant and sustainable impact on healthcare by delivering technologies that enhance clinical care and satisfy the pressing economic needs of our customers" ("Applied Medical", n.d., para.1) . Applied Medical has demonstrated that takes its social responsibility seriously through different initiatives that benefit customers and the community.
This paper presents a synopsis of Applied Medical 's current sustainability practices, discusses specific sustainable practices that can benefit the triple bottom line immediately, and finally exhibits the benefits of synergizing corporate responsibility activities by appointing a Corporate Social Responsibility Manager to Applied Medical 's leadership team.
Applied Medical recognizes the value of being a good corporate citizen though its community outreach programs and by keeping the cost of healthcare low. Blocher (2011) stated that Applied Medical is a compassionate corporation since it encourages its employees to volunteer for the Free Wheelchair Mission, which is a non-profit organization dedicated

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