
Appropriation in Art Essay

Decent Essays

Throughout history, the issue of appropriation in art has become a heated debate on whether it is good or whether it is bad. Appropriation is fundamentally the act of taking something from somewhere else and placing it into a new context. In art, appropriation is seen as using (or taking) someone else's artwork, manipulating it and ultimately changing the whole meaning behind the work. It is seen as a significant issue as many people (including art critics, art historians and art enthusiasts) see appropriation as whilst, others see it as being inappropriate and immoral, and see the growth in appropriation as being a destroyer of art. It is of the opinion that art indeed "feeds off itself" and every artwork, art movement, and art period is …show more content…

He took an actual replica of the work and placed a bold, black mustache and beard on the famous lady's face. Many saw this act as a form of vandalism and were disgusted on the way Duchamp violated such a treasure. However, oblivious to them was Duchamp's way of expressing his way of decreasing the high art status of the work and also suggesting Da Vinci's sexual ambiguity. Subjectively, this work of Duchamp's is an insult to one of the finest artists and artworks in history, and should be considered as a form of vandalism. His work is mocking Da Vinci and ridiculing the talents of the great man. Though there is no limit to art, the question "When is it actually art, and when is it stealing and vandalising" still arises. Despite this fact, some appropriation artworks are very clever and interesting. Pablo Picasso's "Weeping Woman" was appropriated for an advertisement for Australian Air Express. Their ingenious way of including their logo, which is synonymous to them, into the painting, is very clever. It seems as if it is actually part of the painting and it matches the painting perfectly (unlike Duchamp's). One of the most well known appropriator is Yasumasa Morimura. He has appropriated a number of artworks from a number of artists. His "Daughter of Art History Theatre A, 1989" is an appropriation of Edouard Manet's "A Bar at the Folies-Bergere, 1881-2", and his "Futago, 1988" is Manet's "Olympia, 1863). He

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