
Aquatic Ecology : The Science Of Ecology

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Aquatic ecology is the science of ecology which concentrates on the study of aquatic ecosystems. This field can be broken out into two divisions: freshwater and marine ecology. Understanding aquatic ecosystems is critical since water is the building block to the survival of all life on earth. Aquatic ecology includes the study of aquatic environments including oceans, lakes, ponds, wetlands, rivers, and streams. Every organism needs energy to live, grow and reproduce. In aquatic ecology, biologists classify organisms as to how they obtain energy and food. Sunlight is the primary source of energy used by organisms on the earth 's surface. There are two types of organisms, autotrophs, and heterotrophs. Autotrophs can produce their food …show more content…

As a result of this, understanding the basics of freshwater ecosystems can lead to better managing of human influences on these systems. Pollution is one of these impacts. Pollution effects are many and wide-ranging. There are excessive levels of pollution causing a lot of damage to human, animals, rainforests and water. Pollution of all types has an impact on the environment. We can define pollution as contamination of air, land and water by releasing harmful materials. The contamination is due to many different reasons, but mostly under the control of humans. Air pollution occurs when gasses, dust particles, fumes (or smoke) or odor enter into the atmosphere and make it harmful to humans, animals, and plants. The air becomes contaminated and distorts the natural balance and causes harm to living things. Land pollution is the destruction of land, directly or indirectly due to human activities and their abuse of land resources. It happens when waste is disposed of improperly or can occur when humans throw chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides, and fertilizers into the land during farming. Mining activities have also contributed to the destruction of the earth 's surface. Water pollution is the contamination of water mostly by human activities. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are released directly or indirectly into the water without intervention to

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