
Aquatic Health Research Paper

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The Disparity of Aquatic Health: Ponds vs. Rivers
Species diversity, water chemistry, pollution, and macroinvertebrate tolerance
Marissa Toland
Biology 110 Lab
Central Michigan University

Comparison of aquatic health between ponds and rivers utilizing species diversity, water chemistry, pollution, and tolerance of macroinvertebrates.

Biodiversity can be described the variety or total number of organisms that can be found in a specific habitat or ecosystem. There are several ways to distinguish between habitats, however aquatic ecosystems can be divided into two subparts lentic and lotic. Although they are both bodies of water, there hydraulic movements differentiate. Lentic refers to aquatic habits that …show more content…

Pollution of aquatic habitats can coincide with human activity which then results in detrimental effects on an aquatic ecosystem. Pollution is an observable threat that can harm the ecological health of an aquatic system and the survival rate of the organisms that reside within (Allan and Flecker, 1993). Due to the advancement in civilization, there has also been an increase in pollution production through human activity. Which then affects many aquatic ecosystems, including but not limited to streams and rivers (Allan and Flecker, 1993). Although pollution of rivers and streams are contributed by toxic chemicals, the alteration of a habitat weakens the health on a higher level. Examples of these alterations are limiting vegetation alongside streams, and embankments or changing the direction of a channel (Allan and Flecker, 1993). Pollution and seasonal changes were found to be factors which aided in the reduction of species diversity, thus reducing the variety in rivers that resided in modified ecosystems (Williams et al. 2003). Although harmful to an environment, pollution can be diminished by ensuring that man-made alterations or creations of ponds have more extensive protection in agriculturally rich landscapes (Davies et al. 2008). Pollution and other ailments that harm an environment can greatly affect the habitats means of health on both a physical and …show more content…

Aquatic chemical composition depends on the environment in which it is based and any outside influences that may affect it. A continuous water cycle displayed in rivers and streams is an important part of nutrient and mineral transport from higher to lower areas of water (Allan and Flecker, 1993). This cycle can help in the regulation of the internal water chemistry, to ensure a safe environment for the organisms. Outside influences also have an effect on water chemistry, it was observed that the decomposition of nearby vegetation caused an influx in the acidity of the water (Allan and Flecker, 1993). Chemical regulation is important for balance within an aquatic habitat. Rivers displayed limited variables in terms of the waters conductivity, dissolved oxygen and nitrate-nitrogen rates (Williams et al. 2003). Although understood that some chemical changes occur naturally those that are human influenced need, stronger and more empathetic strategies set in place to aid in the betterment of species and habitat protection (Allan and Flecker, 2003). The chemical composition is important for water quality, another predecessor that can be taken into consideration for the overall function and determination of this are the organisms that reside. The organisms that inhabit these ecosystems include various macroinvertebrates, vertebrates and

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