Emily Herman
OTH 576- EBP assignment
June 15, 2018
Aquatic therapy has multiple benefits, not only is it fun, it is relaxing. During the last week of May I had the privilege of completing my field work at Fyzical Rehab right here in Omaha. While they had many interventions that they utilize, one I found to be interesting was the integration of aquatic therapy. Aquatic therapy can be a great treatment for people with developmental disabilities for multiple reasons. In the article written by Caputo et. al., the researchers explore the effectiveness of aquatic therapy with kids diagnosed with autism. Individuals diagnosed with autism, while they are recognized for deficits in their social and behavioral skills, they also experience other deficits.
The effects of autism on communication are extremely varied. Most individuals do not have any trouble with pronunciation. The problems lie in using language effectively. Common problems are lack of eye contact, poor attention, being able to point objects to others, and difficulty with the 'give and take' in normal conversation. Some individuals sometimes use language in unusual ways, retaining features of earlier
Ms. A. Delli Carpini will be taking the aquatic and physical therapy at Jackson Clinics in Ashburn, Va, the duration of her therapy would be 90+ days, between December 1, 2017 to June 15, 2018. The frequency will be 3 times per week for the next 12 weeks. The therapy schedule could be before work hours or after work hours depending on the coordination.
Autism is a form of neurodevelopment disorder in the autism spectrum disorders. It is characterized by impaired development in social interactions and communication, both verbal and non-verbal. There is an observed lack of spontaneous acts of communication; both receptive and expressed, as well as speech impairments. A person diagnosed with Autism will also show a limited range of activities and interests, as well as forming and maintain peer relationships. The individuals will display limited interests, which are often very focused and repetitive. He or she is likely to be very routine oriented and may show behavioral symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and self-injurious behaviors.
Individuals with autism have Communication disorders which can make it difficult for the individuals to communicate and interact with their surroundings for example;
Autism is described as a neurodevelopmental disorder that inhibits characteristics like impaired social interaction, difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, cognitive disorders and repetitive behavior.
Many of us have heard about Autism, also knows as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Some have a family member, a friend, or know someone who has ASD. Increasingly it is becoming a more common disability. “Autism is one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the U.S” (Autism Speaks). Autism has no respect for gender, race, social class and or ethnicity. “Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that involves abnormal development and function of the brain.” (Autism Center of Excellence) People who have autism have a lot of difficulties with social skills, communication and also will develop behavior issues. These behavior problems of an individual with autism can vary at times and can go from mild to severe. According to the Autism Science Foundation it says,” Many people with the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also have unusual ways of learning, paying attention, and reacting to different sensations. The thinking and learning abilities of people with ASD can vary—from gifted to severely challenged.” The causes and symptoms, as well as the diagnosis, and the treatments of autism vary.
According to Kids Health (2014), “children with Autism have difference in the way their brains develop and process information”. For example, “language delay, trouble communicating with their brains, perform certain unusual or repetitive behaviors, or have difficulties learning in school” (p. 1).
“Autism is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by severe and sustained impairment in social interaction, deviance in communication, and patterns of behavior and interests that are restricted,
A single-blind, quasi experiment study by Lai et al. was performed to investigate the effects of aquatic therapy on motor function, enjoyment, activities of daily living, and health-related quality of life for children with CP. Participants were aged from four to 12 years old, classified in levels I to IV in GMFCS, and able to follow instructions. Participants who were receiving botulinum toxin injections or had surgery six months prior the study were excluded. They also excluded any child who had a psychiatric or communication disorder, a skin problem or an active infection. 24 children completed the study and were divided into two groups, therapy group (n=11) and a conventional/control group (n=13).
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may be portrayed toward critical impairments in social interaction. It also includes restricted repeated behaviors, interests and activities. (Mayo Clinic staff, 2014)
Autism is associated with a range of differences and difficulties typically related to core skills in reciprocal social interaction, communication and imagination
Autism is a developmental disability that affects all areas of behavior and perception. Approximately 10 out of every 10,000 children are diagnosed with autism and four out of five are males. Autism is the third most common developmental disability, more common than Down Syndrome. Children with Autism are characterized by impairment in several areas of development such as: Cognitive, Language, Play/Socialization skills and exhibit many challenging behaviors. Behavior Patterns of Autism:
Autism is a disorder characterized by significant problems in communication and social functioning. Autism is actually called Autism Spectrum Disorder and encompasses a broad range disabilities such as Asperger syndrome, Rett’s Syndrome, and Pervavasive Development Disorder (Dunlap & Fox, n.d.). There are also varying degrees of the disorder from low-functioning (no communication and no social interaction) to
People with autism have a lifelong developmental condition that not only affects the way they relate to their environment and interaction with others, but also non-verbal interactions may be misread. (Autism Spectrum
Autism is a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts (“Autism” Def). It’s a disability that affects a person’s communication skills and/or changes in behavior. Autism is usually diagnosed before three years of age and has a lifelong persistence. The causes of this disorder is unclear and there is currently no cure for it. There are two core characteristics of autism. The first being a deficiency in social communication and social interaction. The second is a restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, and activities. Clinical features of autism include walking on tiptoes, lack of eye contact, extreme dislike of certain foods or sounds, poor communication skills, repetitive behaviors, and