
Archery History

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It only takes milliseconds for an arrow to hit a target, but it has taken 50,000 years for Archery to become the sport it is today. There is a long history before the war weapon was turned into a sport for all ages. The first step to learning archery is getting the proper equipment and knowing how to properly use it. Shooting the arrow correctly takes practice and skill. Archery has changed vastly since the time it was created, because it has advanced and improved.
The skill of archery has been around for more than 50,000 years. "Humans have used archery since the dawn of history, first for hunting, warfare, and in Modern Times for sport." inquired Pauline Edwards. (). Originally bow and arrow sets were used for hunting. The first bows were made of one material and were quite short. The Egyptians eventually made a composite bow, a bow made from many different materials. They stretched sheep intestines to make the string needed for the bow to function. The Chinese are rumored to have developed the crossbow which is a horizontally mounted bow that shoots somewhat like a pistol. Around the same time as the Chinese were developing the crossbow, the Japanese invented two new forms of archery, Kyudo & Yabusame. Kyudo is the Japanese martial art of archery, which includes rhythmic movements and meditative concentration. Yabusame is a form of traditional archery where the archer is on a horse. In the year 1415, longbow archers from England helped defeat the French in the Battle of Agincourt. The mid 13th century held advancements to modern weaponry. The first recorded gun was shot in 1364. As the …show more content…

For a long time the bow was a war weapon, now it is a popular sport. There is many pieces of equipment to shoot any kind of bow. There are many equally important steps to correctly shoot a bow. Even though archery might not be the most popular sport, it is still one that has influenced our world

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