
Are Being Humans An Endangered Species Summary

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A.) What are the issues and conclusions of the article? The issue is that technology is becoming more advanced and robots are becoming more intelligent, putting the existence of human beings in danger. The conclusion is we must prevent technology getting too advanced and too dangerous and we must tell this to inventors and creators of technology. B.) What reasons are given that support those conclusions? Scientific developments has caused problems, like antibiotics being overused and leading to stronger and more deadly viruses. Atomic science leads to more bombing and destruction, harming plenty of innocent people. Bill Joy state's, robots, engineered organisms, and nanobots can all self-replicate, proving that they eventually won’t need …show more content…

C.) Are any words or passages vague or ambiguous? List as many as you can and tell how they are ambiguous, i.e., they have two or more possible meanings that could the argument. “ The emerging technologies of the new millennium, he argues, are rendering humans an endangered species.” - What kinds of emerging technologies of the new millennium are rendering humans an endangered species? “ Between robots that can grow ever more intelligent; nanotechnology that allows speedy, microscopic machines to assemble chunks of the world in minutes…” - What chunks of the world are they talking about? - “The worst part of these doom-and-gloom scenarios is that the machines don’t even have to want to hurt humans in order to do so.” - What kind of doom-and-gloom scenarios do they mean? What kinds of machines don’t want to hurt humans? D.) What are the value conflicts and assumptions? Humans should pay closer attention to the evolution of technology today. Humans should create technology carefully so technology cannot take over. Humans should be humble when it comes to making complex living …show more content…

There seemed to be more problems by the technologies of antibiotics because viruses were adapting and becoming more resistant to the antibiotics that were being used. H.) Are there any rival causes? Using antibiotics caused viruses to become stronger and adapt to the antibiotics. Robots, engineered organisms, and nanobots can all self-replicate, bringing the risk of them over ruling humans. If we stay away from creating complex organisms, the safer humans will be. I.) What significant information is omitted? What kind of goals would robots need to be in the position to battle humans for resources? Why does George Dyson side with nature when he talks about the game of life and evolution? Why is nature on the side of machines? Why is “Illusion of illimitable power” the reason for our troubles? J.) What other reasonable conclusions are possible? We should eliminate any technology that serves as a possible threat to mankind. We eliminate technology completely. The government bans any sort of upgrading of technology. Certain forms of technology are banned in certain areas. Inventors are budgeted by the government, so the inventors will decide what technology is

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