
Are Genetically Modified Organisms Safe?

Decent Essays

Are genetically modified organisms safe to consume? Do they offer a better solution to feeding the world’s poorest countries? Do they have a higher yield rate than traditional methods of agriculture? There’s a gamut of opposing views when it comes to GMO’s and their benefits/risks. In all honesty the average civilian wouldn’t know the difference between a genetically modified tomato and a traditionally grown tomato. So why the big fuss? The issue is: are the consumers really in the know on how GMO corporations run? The GMO industry is like the tobacco industry (in the past). Everyone would be smoking and these tycoons could cared less about the consumer. Now we see ads on how smoking can lead to several different types of cancers and dysfunctions within the body. But once upon a time there were ads and campaigns on how smoking was harmless fun! When reading a pro-GMO article I always question whether the author was being genuine or whether they were paid to manipulate the truth. When it comes to the classic debate over GMOs vs non GMOs, we need to keep in mind that every person has the right to be aware of what they eat and how it was made, we also need to understand how the GMO industry is a large influencer in politics, and how heavy pesticides/herbicides are used more than should. First we need to be aware on how the GMO society views the buyers. When it comes to public awareness the GMO giants have certain views on the populous that isn’t true. In Claire

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