
Are Sports Good For Students Research Paper

Decent Essays

Are sports good for students? Sports are a good way to keep students occupied; students need something to do to keep them out of trouble. Sports also offer students an alternative way to take out their anger. Although some people believe that students do not need to play sports, students should play sports because it gets them get out of the house to meet new people, while staying out of trouble, and helping them get into shape.

Sports keep students out of trouble. If students are in sports they cannot be out doing other things. Students that do not have anything to do after school will go find something to do, good or bad. Students need to play sports to keep them out of trouble; you never know what kind of trouble they will get into. Today …show more content…

Sports leave students with little to no time to do their homework, eat dinner, and shower. Many students have to stay up late to finish their homework because the sport they are in went late. Sports can cause students to be gone a lot during the week; students only get to spend a small amount of time with their families. Sports are very time consuming. Most students that play sports only get to see their parents for a short time of the day, or sometimes not until the weekend. Sports can cause students not to be able to work a lot. Many students have to work to help pay for the things they need, sports leave little time for work. However, sports are a great thing for students to be involved in. Students get to meet new people and have the chance to make new friends. Friends that students make in a sport is a friend that will last throughout high school. They will have those memories for the rest of their lives. It gives students a reason to get out of the house so they are not stuck at home all day after school. Students need to get out of the house at least a few days a week.

Although some people believe that students do not need to play sports, students should play sports because it gets them get out of the house to meet new people, while staying out of trouble, and helping them get into shape. Sports are a good thing for students to be apart of. Students can make new friends and great memories from being

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