
Argument Against Animal Rights

Decent Essays

Animal Rights

When it comes to the topic of animal testing most of us will readily agree that it is a debatable topic. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of should medical treatments be developed through the use of testing on animals. Whereas some are convinced that treatments are effective and successfully developed, others maintain that animals are different from human beings such as our genetic traits. My own view is animal testing has helped improve humans health and also has given great advances to science. Many people assume that when it comes to testing animals, they believe they are being neglected, abused, and focused medical drugs. According to the journal Nature Genetics, “To ensure we are having the best results possible we need the animals to be healthy in every way …show more content…

If they can even cure a human being just by testing on an animal when both chromosomes and other variety of genes are very different. “Genomic knowledge has made it so that animal research can be much more specifically targeted and accurate when representing a human, thus correctly predicting a how a human will react.” (Cook). While it is true that we may not have the same genetics as an animal, it necessarily to follow that the animals are great substitutes for us humans. In conclusion, animal testing has improved in many advances to science. And also has been proven that we can not have a stress animal to do research on or the results wont be reliable. “Research animals are cared for by veterinarians, husbandry specialists, and animal health technicians to ensure their well-being and more accurate findings.” Even scientist know that the best results do come from a well and healthy animal by pervading all the necessary care that each animal not only needs but is for the lifespan and health of a human

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