
Argument Essay On Abortion

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The abortion argument is always a tough split decision. Some people lean towards pro-life and some towards pro-choice. The pro-life group believes that every fetus should be kept alive since they are a developing human, and every human has a right to life. The pro-choice believe that if it’s the woman’s body it should be her choice, especially in a case of rape. For my stance on the argument I stand with both pro-life and pro-choice due to certain arguments. These arguments came about after the Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade.
The court case of Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973 and under the fourteenth amendment abortion became legal. This court case started when a woman wanted to get an abortion in the state of Texas but abortions were only legal if it was for a medical reason. The woman did not have a medical reason but she stated that due to her mental health and not being able to take contraceptives she should be allowed to have an abortion. The court has then ruled a 7 to 2 vote that abortions are legal in the first trimester, and the second and third would be ruled by the state. Since the legalization of abortion from the Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade, there have been over 54 million babies subjected to death by abortion. Deaths due to abortion are said to be higher than those from the Holocaust, other major 20th century genocides and even some World War II fatalities. The decision of the Roe vs. Wade case has denied unborn babies the right to life which we should

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