
Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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Slaying the Innocent
Katie, recounted her abortion more than 15 years ago, that is still haunting her to this day. She went alone to the doctor which confirmed her pregnancy. The gynecologist advised that if she waited more than 2 weeks, it would be hard for her to find a doctor to do the abortion. She waited the 2 weeks for the abortion and little did she know in that time she was falling in love with her unborn child, feeling him or her inside of her. They gave her two pills for the first part of the abortion. Once she took it she felt that unborn child die. In that moment, she came to the realization of what she was doing. She hated herself for becoming a murderer. The abortion battle is one of the most deep-rooted in US culture. Each year about one and a half million women in the US have abortions. Some may pass through the lines of anti-abortion protesters to get into the clinic. Others may have to make their way through secrecy to get an abortion, but they do. Things, however, don't end so neatly right there. Even though some believe that a woman should be given a right to choose abortion, it is ending an innocent child's life, it is morally wrong and the long term psychological effects it may cause can be detrimental.
Any respectable medical textbook will explain that life begins at the exact moment of conception, which further declares the beginning of life is as soon as the egg is fertilized inside of the mother. Though pro-choicers say that life only begins after

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