
Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

Decent Essays

Scientific Animal Research
Animal have been used for centuries by scientist to advance biomedical research. Dating back to Galen, a Greek physician who was a giant in the history of medicine, actively used animals to advance the understanding of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), an Arab physician in twelfth century Moorish Spain, introduced animal testing as an experimental method for testing surgical procedures before applying them to human patients, procedures that are still utilized to this day.
Animal testing is a necessary evil used at medical facilities to advance scientific research. In recent years the use of animals has come under some intense pressure and criticism by animal protection and animal rights groups. The use of animals to advance research has undergone intense revisions allowing for a more effective way to utilize them in research facilities. Debate about whether the use of animals in medical research is humane or not has been debated since the 17th century (Ballentine). Since its beginnings, many countries have enacted strict laws that govern the use of animals within research facilities.
Many contesting the use of animals believe that the benefit of humans at the expense of animals is simply unjust and inhumane. They believe that in many ways animals differ from humans and therefore results from animal trials may be inconclusive to human studies. In the same sense, there must be testing on both humans and

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