
Argumentative Essay On Apollo 51

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Apollo 51: The Surface of the Moon or a Sound Stage in Nevada ?
It was a long anticipated summer night, when millions of Americans crowded around their bulky television screens. It was 1969, America had recently passed through the height of the Cold War, but their relationship with the Soviet Union continued to become more hostile. There was no clear winner in sight, and America was desperate for a definitive victory, it was this moment, in this very moment that they finally had one, and they clung to it. This moment was, of course, the Apollo 11 moon landing on the 20th of July, 1969. However, as with many famous events captured in the public eye, it wasn't long before conspiracies began to unfold. Some began to question the validity of the photographs and videos associated with the moon landings, others made claims that the government couldn’t possibly have had the technology necessary to successfully land on the moon, and some even went as far as to point out the exact set and director that supposedly filmed the hoaxed moon landings. I first became aware of the conspiracy surrounding the moon landings about two years ago when I watched a documentary on the topic and naturally, being the patriotic American that I am, I sided with NASA without considering any evidence on either side of the argument, but recently, the topic was brought up in conversation and it stuck an interest within me. So in this essay I will throw my preconceived notions out the metaphorical window,

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