
Moon Landing : Conspiracy Or Reality?

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Moon Landing: Conspiracy or Reality?
It wasn 't until I really sat down and thought about it that I realized the moon landing was questionable. As a kid I always thought it would be amazing to be an astronaut so the thought that maybe there is no real astronauts at all had me concerned. On July 20th 1969, the Apollo 11 with astronaut Neil Armstrong and his crew, guided by thousands of NASA technicians, supposedly landed in the surface of the moon. This landing at its time was considered the most amazing technological advancement in the history of mankind. The moon landing is something that everyone knows about but as it turns out about 20% americans and 50% or Ukrainians don 't believe the moon landing really happened, here 's why.
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The fulfillment of that promise is what had people asking questions.
The Apollo 11 started and completed its journey at the same time the United States was fighting in Vietnam. It was a very stressful time for the U.S.A. so the government may have used the moon landing to keep people 's minds off the awful things that were happening. There 's no doubt it was an extraordinary event as well as one of the greatest accomplishments of all times; one fact used by the hoax believers to support this argument is that coincidentally the Apollo missions came to an end around the same time that the war was ending. The peace with Vietnam was established in October 1972, and it was in December of that same year that the last NASA space shuttle, Apollo 17, ended its voyage. Could it be just a coincidence that the USA abruptly stopped going to the moon around the same time the Vietnam War ended or was it just part of an ingenious plan; a plan that tried to gain people’s trust in a period where no one agreed with the decisions that the government was making.
By researching and understanding the political background that existent in the late 60’s, we can find a good answer to the question of why the US would fake an event as important as the first man landing on a celestial body. However, the analysis of the political background is not enough to support the conspiracy theory; knowing this, the conspiracy theorist have other “evidence”.

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