
Argumentative Essay On Body Shaming

Satisfactory Essays

Today body shaming plays a huge role in our society, it has negative affects on us and the world around us. Body shaming is a social injustice that impacts all of us. It’s affecting how we see ourselves and it’s killing our self-esteem. When I say body shaming I am talking about both ends, the skinny and the obese. Body shaming affects everyone and has been going on since the 10th century and is still going on today. Body shaming started as far back as the 16th century in Europe. Women would wear corsets to achieve the ‘perfect’ body image. Corsets were worn to compress stomachs and breasts until they would almost disappear. They were also worn to create an hourglass figure making it look like a modern day Barbie Doll. Most women would have their corsets tied up so tight they wouldn’t be able to breath and would pass out. Corsets would crush women’s ribs close together, which would make their ribs jab into the stomach, and would crush their organs. They often affected a woman's cycle causing their bodies to internally bleed and to form scar tissue. Corsets also caused digestive issues, heart burn, and distention. The biggest reason women would wear corsets was so they would be considered attractive to a man. Foot binding was another huge beauty trend in China in the 12th century. Foot binding would start at age 4 and 6. The process included putting feet in hot water, they would then clip the toenails as short as possible.
They would then proceed to break every toe except

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